| A European cacti nursery
General Terms and Conditions
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We send seeds to all countries on the world, any permits are not usually necessary. Plants can be sent to EU countries only, we do not use any export permits or phytosanitary certificates. Be familiar with your important regulations and give us instructions.

Postal charges
All of our packets are sent as registered letters or parcels with a major priority from the Czech Republic (EU). The usual duration of postal delivery is from 7 (EU) to 14 days (the rest of the world). See below the schedule of postage:

EU Countries (seeds - recoreded delivery): € 0-25 = postage fee € 2.75; € 25-50 = postage fee € 3.00; € 50-100 = postage fee € 4.00; € 100-200 = postage fee € 4.50; more than € 200 = postage fee free of chagre.

Other Countries (seeds - recorded delivery): € 0-25 = postage fee € 3.25; € 25-50 = postage fee € 4.00; € 50-100 = postage fee € 5.00; € 100-200 = postage fee € 6.00; more than € 200 = postage fee free of chagre.

Payment & Prices
FFor the easiest and quickest way please pay by the Credit Card or PayPal. We support common cards – VISA, MasterCard and American Express. For those who don't use a credit card the other way is to send the payment by post to the address below (or see the contact). We accept payments in any currency, especially in EUR or USD. Prices of seeds and plants are given in EUR (€). In any case please wait until we send you a confirmation of your order and details of the payment (e-invoice). The e-invoice is generated by the PayPal application which helps us to provide you the safest and simplest way to pay without direct sending any confidential information to us (e.g. card number or date of expire).

Please order the items from low to high catalogue numbers. If possible, use catalogue numbers only and specify the kind of portion you order (pkt, 100x, 500x tec.). Please choose and note the currency you want to pay in (EUR, USD, …). Send orders to our email or by post to Martin Svidrnoch, Hladnovska 15, 710 00, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Thank you for your orders!

Field numbers
Almost each of the listed seeds are from plants with known botanical origin and exact field number of the collector such as: JN – Jan Novαk (CZ), SB – Steven Brack (USA), DJF – David Ferguson (USA), PP – Pavel Pavlνθek (CZ), JO – Josef Odehnal (CZ), KK – Karel Knνže (Peru), RP – Ralph Peters (USA), ZJ – Zlatko Janeba (CZ), CH – Jaroslav Chvastek (CZ). For any other complementary information please visit the number query – .


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